The CBD industry is booming and consumers are researching and shopping to find out about the newest CBD products and services that will take their health to the next level.
Unfortunately, many people are completely failing to get to know the crucial information about CBD before they make up their minds. This includes people with different views about CBD whether they are CBD users or people who are choosing to avoid the products altogether.
This is why we, the Wellness Experience will be providing you with key information outlining the basics of what you need to know about CBD. No matter whether you are choosing to use these products or not, you should definitely do your research and be aware of the important factors surrounding the CBD industry.
CBD 101: Things You Should Know
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical in the cannabis sativa plant. It is also known as cannabis or hemp. CBD is not the component of cannabis that has any sort of effect on your awareness. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the component that will create an altered experience. It is important to know the difference. Our products are within the legal allowable level of THC.
Understand the Product and Brand
Because the FDA is not currently involved in setting the standards for the quality of CBD sold to various consumers, it is important that our customers become aware of what they are buying. There are a few things that you might want to keep an eye out for to make sure that you are buying a trustworthy product.
The Wellness Experience products that have completed verified testing through a third-party laboratory. This ensures the quality and trustworthiness of our products.
Supporting Our Customers
While there is still a lot to learn about both the benefits and the ramifications of using CBD products. The Wellness Experience is here to support you with your CBD needs.
It is a great time to be involved in the CBD business and to influence the lives of those we serve. Let us, “Elevate Your Wellness!”