CBD Wellness Experience

CBD and Acne

Acne is a problem that is experienced by teens and adults. Well over 9% of the US population
deal with acne. People with acne are often embarrassed and sometimes even avoid being
around people. Many acne sufferers find themselves frustrated after trying countless beauty
and skin care products that just don’t work.
Have you considered CBD as a solution to your or your teen’s acne issues? CBD based skin
products can be used to relieve acne break outs.
At the Wellness Experience we carry a variety of skin care products such as facial mask and
CBD alleviates acne because it acts on endocannabinoid system receptors to decrease or
increase the levels of neurotransmitter chemicals needed for these processes to function
correctly. Studies report that CBD also has antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory
properties. Because of these properties, CBD can alleviate acne breakouts.

CBD Alleviates Acne

CBD alleviates acne in three ways:

  1. CBD Inhibits Sebum Production
    Sebum is an oily, waxy substance produced by your body’s sebaceous glands. It coats,
    moisturizes, and protects your skin. CBD promotes sebum production when needed to help
    alleviate dry skin or reduce oily skin.
  2. CBD Destroys Bacteria
    The anti-bacterial properties of CBD help it to eliminate bacteria that infect the skin and cause
    severe acne.
  3. CBD Reduces Inflammation
    CBD reduces the inflammation associated with acne breakouts.

The Wellness Experience is here to support you in finding a solution to prevent or
improve your acne.

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